May 18Liked by MaryJane

Sorry for your loss of your friend.

I found it very much confirming some of the experiences that have crossed my path and I really appreciate the candor tones


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Thank you so much Katereena ❤️ Writing about it helps

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by MaryJane

This is fabulous. So much awareness and compassion for yourself while sitting in the discomfort. I was riveted because it’s challenging to find this depth around how we contort ourselves in abusive relationships. So brava my darling.

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Thank you so much Dana, that means a lot. I'm going to keep figuring it out, and writing about it as I do. ❤️

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Mar 27Liked by MaryJane

I have written and deleted and written and deleted so much in reply since the first night I read this... I needed some time to move from emotional to logical, as I was furious and felt betrayed myself, lol!

*I wanted to be sure that my reply was not retaliatory.*

I wanted a response that lets you know what it was like on my end, as a follower of you, of your content, of your writing, and a long time listener of W&G.*

You journey continues to be so unbelievable relatable.

The success and brilliance of "It's the Mayo for Me" was making it more difficult for me to keep going go back and listening to you trying to converse with a simpleton with limited perspective and experience, whom you had far surpassed, probably before you even met.

Something changed for me right before the awards hosting gig, as a listener. It was as if the "professional relationship" had run it's course.. I found myself listening to W&G less, as patriarchal BS coming from inside the W&G house! You were on drastically different professional paths.

*I sincerely always thought that your water was being carried, Mary Jane.*

At the least, I have wanted to say that I was absolutely thrilled to be able to stop "following" him when the pod ended. His lack of knowledge and experience on so many topics was so disruptive of your flow. It often interrupted and interfered with my being able to focus on what you had to say, especially during your fellowship sharing. I found my self screaming at the pod, "Just shut up [insert manchild]!"

Something changed for me as a follower, just before the hosting gig. Idk what it was but I wanted you unleashed and free to be YOU!

Just you.

I was hoping you'd continue solo.

Your beautiful, brilliant mind is captivating and what you have to say continues to be worth my time. I was tired of you having to babysitting, hand hold, lead. It was a nice balance in the beginning, but as time progressed, the ignorance was down right annoying. Idk how else to say it. It's not meant as an insult. I'd just rather hear what you have to say, uninterrupted and at your level of intelligence and worldliness... idk how else to say it.

I'm glad you've put down the water and let the manchild have his sippy cup.

I don't think that you fully realize the value and impact that you have had on your "audience". Sharing your journey, your experiences, your travels, your family relationship dynamics, your grief, your joy, your advocacy, sharing your sorrows and successes, has had such a positive influence on those of us put here paying attention, who hang on to your every spoken and written word that you share. Your following is growing, the patriarchs are hating, and you handle it all with strength and grace. I so admire you. I can not wait to see what you do next, and continue to follow your platforms and your writing.

Just you.

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Melanie, I'm sobbing. Thank you. This is so kind, I have no words. I shared it with one of my support circles of girlfriends (our text thread is titled MEOWS) and it made them gasp. You are a Meow with us. I'm going to keep going, I'm so glad we are connected on this journey, and I'm sending you so much love and thanks. I want to frame this, and put it on my bulletin board for those dark days when I need encouragement. Thank you. ❤️ xoxo

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Mar 27Liked by MaryJane

I don't even know how this substack thingy works, but I subscribed because of you! I just had to find another way to show you support.

See!?! You're keeping me current and getting me all savvy and sh*+! 😆🤣😂

Oops...according to my daughter, I should now use this ->💀

instead of this ->🤣


What can I say...I'm old. (Today is my birthday!)

Much love and well wishes to you, Mary Jane! ✌️💚🥪

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Hey! I don’t know you, but I have now read your piece multiple times and I’m so grateful that you have written about these experiences. I’ve been treated in similar ways as you describe here but have felt alone and guilty and confused and unsure how to talk about it. Recently, I told a friend my story and she said “I bet 95% of women have had similar things happen to them.” So I went looking, and here you are!

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Hi Lexi! Thank you so much. I have found so much healing in hearing other women's stories, and sharing mine here has brought me a measure of validation that is a cornerstone of the foundation for my new life. I'm going to keep writing, and I hope you find a way to share your story, because that's the medicine. Big love to you, and please feel free to reach out/ keep me posted on your healing journey. Community is key. ❤️

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That’s very generous, MaryJane, thank you. I will keep you posted. And I’m looking forward to reading more of your writing! Community is key! Relational betrayals can only be healed through new positive relational experiences.

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One bazillion percent ❤️❤️❤️ so glad to be connected, and tuned in to you!!

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Keep sharing your truth, the good, bad and ugly. And the world of legal cannabis is still a misogynistic mess!

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thank you so much. I will! ❤️ (and it is)

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Ready to get along with my day, I thought I was just going to skim this piece.

I ready every damn word.

And identified with so much of it. It’s sobering every time I see it: how clearly we are all still living in a system—a world—defined by men. It’s slippery and we gaslight ourselves ALL THE TIME into thinking all our personal success and opportunity and ACCESS mean we must just be imagining that niggling sense that something is off.

To women everywhere: you are NOT wrong. The system is still rigged and men tend to be the only ones who have the fully read playbook stamped on their dna.

Thank you so much for sharing all of this.

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thank you so much for sharing. i appreciate it, and you, so much!

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Mar 22Liked by MaryJane

“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. They know themselves much better than you do.” Maya Angelou

Wise beyond measure. But I think maybe the root is still that you were working through your own shit with these monsters. This was such an honest reflection of such personal pain. Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a wonderful group of friends are in your corner! Love your videos; you are sharply whitty and incredibly hilarious. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

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Thank you so very much. I’m listening to my female friends rather than angry men nowadays. 💙

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Mar 22Liked by MaryJane

You never needed him. I always thought he was a guest speaker. As a watcher, it was clear he was a partner, but the side kick. You were always the star. Also I had a night with one of those editors I hope he got his hands stuck in a meat grinder. Please keep writing or run for office.

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Wow. This is equal parts validating, hilarious and horrific. Thank you. I'm going to keep writing. (I'm pretty sure I'm unelectable.) ❤️

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Mar 21Liked by MaryJane

Your honesty is bursting. It's refreshing. Thanks for sharing your path and your pain.

The things we do...

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Thank you Aimée, that means so much. Big love to you.

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Mar 21Liked by MaryJane

I was once told if you don’t trust their advice don’t trust their criticism either. Amazing piece, thank you for sharing.

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That's so true. Thank you so much. ❤️

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Mar 21Liked by MaryJane

You are such a bad ass! Thank you for sharing your difficult experiences. Those Cup days were something else. Sending you hugs galore!

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Biggest hugs back to you!! Thank you!

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Absolute f*cking GODDESS you are. Beautifully felt and written, as always—proud of you 🙌 thank you for your vulnerability!!!

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thank you so much for being a loud and fierce voice for all the things you believe in my beautiful friend, this means the world!! xoxo

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felt felt felt 🙌 glad we are in it together 💪 big XOXO to you, my hero!

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Mar 20Liked by MaryJane

So much applause for you my friend

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thank you for always showing me a way forward. I love you ❤️

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Mar 20Liked by MaryJane

Thank you for this gift. It’s truth. It’s funny, and damn is it relatable. It’s all of our story.

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thank you, so much. i'm going to keep excavating. x

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Mar 19Liked by MaryJane

This is some truth. ⭐️

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Thank you so much ❤️

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Mar 19Liked by MaryJane


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I love you! ❤️

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