My Sandwich, My Choice
My Sandwich, My Choice
This Shame Is Not Mine

This Shame Is Not Mine

Learning that the belief that you deserve to be in pain is a bunch of bullsh*t.

Hi friends,

This is the audio version of my essay This Shame Is Not Mine. Following this release, audio for my essays will be available to paid subscribers. To those of you who are already in that circle, thank you so much for your support.

If you’d like to become a paid subscriber to receive audio essays and more, (including exclusive content from my summer road trip) please hit that button above, and sign up! And if you’re a free subscriber, thank you so very much for hanging with me.

If you have questions or suggestions please leave a comment below, and I’ll be sure to get back to you. And please take a second to like and share this post; I’d love to get the word out. I’m grateful for all of you.

More soon. - MJ ❤️

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My Sandwich, My Choice
My Sandwich, My Choice
MaryJane makes sandwiches and chats about sexism, misogyny, reproductive rights and more! You'll get recipes, news, essays and recommendations for cool stuff here.
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